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Server Updates And Changes 11.02.2024

Nitter Instance Status

Due to "Elon Musk" the nitter project is now severely limited and particularly hard to host and maintain.
The Guest Accounts branch is now useless as titter dropped them.
At the moment, I don't have time to search for obscure solutions, so the instance will either stay as-is (broken) until a workaround is found or the project gets archived on GitHub (aka: dead, forever).

πŸ•Š ️RIP nitter instance 2019-2023 πŸ•ŠοΈ

Teddit Is Back! ...and it brought some friends too!

After almost 3 months, the Teddit instance is finally back up and running (with reduced performance).
I also finally had the time to set up Quetre - a libre front-end for Quora and ProxiTok - an alternative frontend for TikTok
All those instances are unfortunately running with reduced performance as they aren't yet fully configured.

Old Site Removal, Favicon Changes and more...

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